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Blind Sculptor

Blind Sculptor stands out for its self-referentiality in the art of sculpture.

  1. Modern and Contemporary era (1821 - )

    1988 Created.

  2. Ottoman era (1453- 1821)

  3. Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)

  4. Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)

  5. Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)

  6. Classical era (478-323 BC)

  7. Archaic era (800-479 BC)

  8. Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)

  9. Prehistory (-1100 BC)

What I can see

The Blind Sculptor is a 1.1m high brass sculpture that is placed on a marble pedestal. The pedestal has a text which includes the title, the sculptor’s name, the date of construction and the curatorship. This information is written on two metal plates, one of which is in Braille. A seated male figure that shapes a mass is depicted. The figure is blind and depends solely on the sense of touch. The head is rigid and unable to see the creation of the hands. Despite the abstractness of the technique, the sculpture is very expressive.

What I can't see

At the time when the sculptor Petros Roukoutakis created the sculpture, he had already lost his sight completely.


  • Address: Voutieu & Arakynthou St.


Antonopoulou Z., (2003), Τα γλυπτά της Αθήνας, Υπαίθρια Γλυπτική1834-2004 [The sculptures of Athens, Outdoor sculpting 1834-2004], Potamos