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Cine Paris

Cine Paris is an open air cinema under the Acropolis, at the heart of Plaka.

  1. Modern and Contemporary era (1821 - )

    1920 It first opened as an open air movie theatre only. In bibliography, the year 1938 can also be found.

    1960 The indoor movie theatre was constructed and named Paris.

    1972 The indoor movie theatre closed and turned into a boite.

    1986 Cine Paris operated again until 2020.

    2024 Opened again.

  2. Ottoman era (1453- 1821)

  3. Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)

  4. Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)

  5. Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)

  6. Classical era (478-323 BC)

  7. Archaic era (800-479 BC)

  8. Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)

  9. Prehistory (-1100 BC)

What I can see

At Cine Paris one can enjoy modern as well as classic film productions on a beautiful Mediterranean terrace with a view of the Acropolis rock and Plaka district. This small garden includes 300 plants, seats, tables and lounge chairs. The recent renovation respected the space, which is designated as a newer monument. The bar is reminiscent of an old canteen and in addition to the 47 drink options, it also serves food.

What I can't see

It is called “Paris” because a previous owner had lived for many years in Paris. Cine Paris was also very famous for its unique handmade movie posters, an art that has unfortunately been lost after the recent closure of the cinema to become a commercial outlet. Like many historic cinemas in the centre of Athens, which are under enormous pressure in recent years, Cine Paris also suffered the consequences of this situation. This pressure on old cinemas is a shock to the cinephile audience and culture in general. Today, Cine Paris operates under the guidance of a well-known Greek distribution company, after it was bought by a charitable foundation.


  • Address: 22 Kydathinaion St.


Yohalas T., Kafetzaki Τ., (2013), Αθήνα, Ιχνηλατώντας την πόλη με οδηγό την ιστορία και τη λογοτεχνία [Athens, Tracing the city guided by history and literature], ESTIA Bookstore


Diakosavvas A., (2024), Επιτέλους, ξανά Cine Paris, [At last, Cine Paris again], in Lifo

Last visit 12/9/2024


Cine Paris, (2024), About, main page

Last visit 12/9/2024