Museum of Cycladic Art
The Museum of Cycladic Art has pieces of art from ancient Aegean and Cypriot civilizations as permanent exhibition.
Modern and Contemporary era (1821 - )
1895 Construction of Stathatos Mansion, designed by Ernst Ziller.
1985 Construction of the central building, designed by Ioannis Vikelas.
1986 The museum was founded.
1991 Stathatos Mansion was transferred to the museum.
2005 Inauguration of the new wing.
Ottoman era (1453- 1821)
Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)
Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)
Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)
Classical era (478-323 BC)
Archaic era (800-479 BC)
Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)
Prehistory (-1100 BC)
What I can see
The museum’s permanent exhibition focuses on the ancient cultures of the Aegean Sea and Cyprus. It is separated into three sections: a) Cycladic Art (3200 BC -2000 BC) b) Ancient Greek Art (2000 BC- 395 AD) and c) Ancient Cypriot Art (3900 BC.- 6th century AD). The exhibition in the main building (on the 4 Neofutou Douka St.) displays about 350 exhibits of the Cycladic civilisation (1st floor), Ancient Greek Art (2nd floor), the Cypriot Culture (3rd floor) and Scenes from Daily Life in Antiquity (4th floor). In this building, marble and glass have been carefully used in a way that matches the style of the museum. The second building (Stathatos Mansion) is one of the city’s most important neo-classical buildings, with elements of Greek and Roman architecture as well as later influences. The Renaissance style stairs are flanked by an arcuate two- storey façade. The parapet of the roof is crowned with two statues, and the exterior walls have decorative mouldings. It is used for periodic exhibitions and events and not a place to expand the permanent collection, as it is impossible to apply the security protocols of the museum in this building.
What I can't see
The exhibits mainly come from the collection of Nicholas and Dolly Goulandris, Karolos and Rita Politis and other collectors. The museum often hosts temporary exhibitions, including contemporary art, and also organises training programs and publishes the museum’s scientific research. The exhibition halls cover an area of 2,300 sq.m. Τhe museum also includes offices, laboratories, warehouses and a lecture hall. As for its museological characteristics, it stands out how technology is being used and the very fact that the visitor can admire the Cycladic artefacts from all sides.
- Address: 1 Herodotou and V. Sofias St.
- Postal Code : 10674
- Phone: +30 210 7228321-3
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Website:
Last visit: 5/7/2015
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Museum of Cycladic Art, (d.u.), To Moυσείο [The Museum], Museum of Cycladic Art, Nicholas and Dolly Goulandris Foundation,
Last visit: 5/7/2015
Technical Chamber of Greece, (2000), Athens, London, Paris, TCG,
Last visit 23/8/2020
Filippidis D., (2006), Αρχιτεκτονικές Μεταμορφώσεις, Ι. μητροπολιτικά κέντρα, [Architectural Transformations, I. metropolitan centres], Melissa
Open House Athens, (2018), Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης, [Museum of Cycladic Art] OHA
Scientific editors’ field observation