Hafiz Bey Villa (today, School for the Blind), is a typical example of eclectic architecture with motifs of the late Renaissance.
Modern and Contemporary era (1912 - )
1947 The school was founded.
1948 Burned. The interior suffered damages.
Ottoman era (1453- 1912)
1879 Constructed.
Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)
Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)
Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)
Classical era (478-323 BC)
Archaic era (800-479 BC)
Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)
Prehistory (-1100 BC)
What I can see
The building of the School for the Blind is a typical example of eclectic architecture with motifs of the late Renaissance. It combines elements of neoclassicism, rococo and baroque. Its architecture is best highlighted along the façade, which shows these patterns very clearly. The building’s tripartite ground plan is emphasised by the projection of the central part and the external marble stairs.
What I can't see
It was constructed by Hafiz Bey and designed by Xenofon Paionidis. Many owners followed. Some of them were the “Konstantinidis” commercial school, the “Agios Stylianos” nursery, the Gestapo and finally the School for the Blind till this day. The aim of the school is the education and vocational training of people with visual disabilities, the support of their families and raising awareness for people of this particular limitation. It employs about 100 people and 26 more as interns in the kindergarten and at the special elementary school, operated around the clock.
- Address: 32 Vas. Olgas St.
Ζafeiris Ch., (2014), Θεσσαλονίκη, η παρουσία των απόντων, η κληρονομιά Ρωμαίων, Μουσουλμάνων, Εβραίων, Ντονμέδων, Φράγκων, Αρμενίων και Σλάβων, [Thessaloniki, the presense of the absent, the heritage of Romans, Muslims, Jews, Doenme, Franks, Armenians and Slavs], Thessaloniki: Epikentro
Ζafeiris Ch., (2006), Θεσσαλονίκης τοπιογραφία, [Thessaloniki’s landscape], Thessaloniki: Epikentro
ΚΕΑΤ of Thessaloniki, (d.u.), Ιστορική αναδρομή ΚΕΑΤ Θεσσαλονίκης, [History of KEAT of Thessaloniki]
Last visit: 21/8/2015
Collective Work, (1985-6), Νεώτερα Μνημεία της Θεσσαλονίκης [Modern Monuments of Thessaloniki], Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Northern Greece
Open House Thessaloniki, (2019), Βίλα Χαφίζ Μπέη, [Villa Hafiz Bey], OHTh