The entrance of the Mendreses, the Muslim school during the Ottoman era.
Modern and Contemporary era (1821 - )
1833 Converted into a prison. It functioned as such until King George I’s reign.
1914 Demolished.
2000 A new door was placed.
Ottoman era (1453- 1821)
1721 Constructed. A year later, the school was established by Mehmed Fahri.
Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)
Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)
Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)
Classical era (478-323 BC)
Archaic era (800-479 BC)
Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)
Prehistory (-1100 BC)
What I can see
Mendreses was the seminary of Muslims in Athens. They were taught Arabic, Persian and Turkish theology, literature and philosophy, based on the Koran. After the establishment of the Greek state, archaeologists, even as early as 1840, insisted on the removal of the prison (into which it had already been converted) and demolition of Mendreses in order to make excavations. The excavations revealed important findings, the late Roman fortification of the city being the most important of them. Therefore, only the wooden gate, the sign and a small vaulted room remained in remembrance of Mendreses.
What I can't see
The building had a rectangular shape with a central courtyard. The main building, the school, the teachers’ and students’ dormitories, common areas and a small mosque, composed the Mendreses. Financed by the Ottoman administration, students (Softades) were able to study for years to occupy critical public posts after their graduation. Moreover, the Ottoman notables used to gather here. At the beginning of the Greek Revolution, they decided to kill all adult Christians. The decision was overturned through a strong intervention by kadi Halil Efendi, an act for which no recognition has been given from the city nor the Greek state. During the revolution, Mendreses was destroyed and never reopened. During the reign of Otto, it was reconstructed as a two-story prison for infamous bandits and political dissidents (e.g. general Makrygiannis, the poet Paraschos).
- Address: Pelopida & Aeolou St.
Last visit: 25/8/2015
Zivas D.A.., (2012), Αρχιτεκτονικός Οδηγός Αθηνών, [Architectural Guide of Athens], Cultural Foundation of Pireos Group
Mitropoulou K., (d.u.), Αθήνα, μνήμες και κτήρια, [Athens, memories and buildings], Athens: Sideris Publication