Casa Bianca is a building of eclectic style, designed by architect Pietro Arrigoni, who combined elements of Renaissance with Art Nouveau and the traditional architecture of central Europe.
Modern and Contemporary era (1912 - )
1911 Construction begins. Completed the following year.
1964 It housed a school and a kindergarten until 1967.
1966 The Gallery was founded as an institution. From 1986 until 2013, it was housed in the Mordoch Villa.
2013 The Gallery is moved to Casa Bianca.
Ottoman era (1453- 1912)
Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)
Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)
Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)
Classical era (478-323 BC)
Archaic era (800-479 BC)
Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)
Prehistory (-1100 BC)
What I can see
The Municipal Gallery of Thessaloniki is housed in two buildings: the Casa Bianca (or else Villa Bianca, Villa Blanche or Villa Fernandez) and the Toumba annex. It houses more than 1,000 pieces of art, that are works by Greek painters mainly of the 20th Century (e.g. Epaminondas Thomopoulos, Nikos Engonopoulos, Nikos Chatzikyriakos-Gkikas, Manolis Tombros), works by Thessalonian artists, Greek and foreign engravings, folk portraits and about 60 Byzantine and post-Byzantine icons from the 14th to the 19th centuries, most of which were created in the city’s ateliers. It is a building of eclectic style, designed by architect Pietro Arrigoni, who combined elements of Renaissance with Art Nouveau and the traditional architecture of central Europe, as is evident in the design of its roof.
What I can't see
This is the house of Italian-Jewish Dino Fernantez-Diaz. Fernandez’s daughter, Alini, fell in love with the Greek lieutenant Spiros Alibertis, when the city was annexed by Greece in 1912. The strong opposition of the Jewish community to a wedding between a Jew and a Christian forced the couple to elope and marry secretly in Athens. Upon returning to Thessaloniki, they went through happy and sad times. Both survived the Holocaust but Alini’s father and brother were murdered by the Nazis in Italy, where they took refuge. After Alini’s death, the mansion was sold (1965). The subsequent owners sought its demolition, despite it being enlisted as a work of art by the Ministry of Culture. Eventually, the building was expropriated by the Ministry and restored to its original form.
- Address: 180 Vas. Olgas Av.
- Postal Code : 54646
- Phone: +30 2310 425531
Zafeiris Ch., (1997), Θεσσαλονίκης Εγκόλπιον, ιστορία, πολιτισμός, η πόλη σήμερα, γεύσεις, μουσεία, μνημεία, διαδρομές, [Thessaloniki Handbook, history, culture, the city today, flavours, museums, routes], Athens: Exantas
Ζafeiris Ch., (2006), Θεσσαλονίκης τοπιογραφία, [Thessaloniki’s landscape], Thessaloniki: Epikentro
Ζafeiris Ch., (2014), Θεσσαλονίκη, η παρουσία των απόντων, η κληρονομιά Ρωμαίων, Μουσουλμάνων, Εβραίων, Ντονμέδων, Φράγκων, Αρμενίων και Σλάβων, [Thessaloniki, the presense of the absent, the heritage of Romans, Muslims, Jews, Doenme, Franks, Armenians and Slavs], Thessaloniki: Epikentro
Collective work, (1985), Νεώτερα Μνημεία της Θεσσαλονίκης, [Modern Monuments of Thessaloniki], Ministry of Culture