Terpsitheas Square, Musha Baba Turbe
Terpsitheas Square stands out, especially for its Ottoman mausoleum.
Modern and Contemporary era (1912 - )
Ottoman era (1453- 1912)
1543 Construction of Musha Baba Turbe.
Byzantine era (331 AC- 1453)
Roman era (30 BC- 330 AC)
Hellenistic era (322- 31 BC)
Classical era (478-323 BC)
Archaic era (800-479 BC)
Geometric era (-1100- 800 BC)
Prehistory (-1100 BC)
What I can see
Terpsitheas (=pleasant view) Square stands out, especially for its rare Ottoman monument, the Musha Baba Turbe (i.e. an octagonal domed building) which was the mausoleum of a sacred Ottoman person of the 16th century, probably part of a “Tekke” (muslim monastery for dervishes and smoking-dens). It is one of the latest Ottoman monuments, which shows influences from Byzantine architecture (e.g. its dome).
What I can't see
The Turks called it Musha Baba Turbesi. Turbes were dervish’s or tekke abbots’ mausoleums, who were sacred personalities to the Turks. Usually, they were cubic stone buildings with stone domes, often lined with metal. According to legend, Musha Baba was a servant of an aga. When the aga had gone on a pilgrimage to Mecca, his wife made a halva, which her husband would very much like to try. Musha Baba assured her that his master would try the halva. When the aga returned, he thanked his wife for the delicious halva he found on his doorstep in Mecca. This event made Musha Baba a holy figure and he became a dervish. Terpsitheas square (=pleasant view) took its name because it is high enough to offer a view of the city and snow-capped Mount Olympus. Nowadays however, the view is significantly restricted by more recent and taller buildings, although it remains a pleasant opening amidst a densely-built area.
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